Meet Our Leaders


Deacon Chairman, Don Lizon has lived in Wellsburg all his life. Don is retired  and truly enjoying his time spent with immediate family as well as his church family. His favorite authors/preachers are John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Steve Lawson, and George Gray. Don has a heart after God’s own heart and is skilled at leading our deacons. He knows the critical nature of understanding the Bible and its value for the church. As a leader, he sees his greatest challenge to be instilling a biblical literacy into God’s people.


Deacon, Bill Northcraft is married to his lovely wife, Pam. They have two daughters and six grandchildren. Bill’s favorite meal is liver and onions with a slice of coconut cream pie for dessert! Bill is a “utility leader” in that he is ready and willing to fill any need that arises. He is outstanding at visitation. One of his strangest experiences visiting a hospital occurred when he greeted a hospitalized member. He grabbed her toe when he arrived and received a loud scream. She had gout and Bill became even more skilled that day at bedside visitation!


Deacon, Jay Fluharty is the chief of the Fluharty tribe. He works hard not only at home, but also at Wheeling Nisshin as a computer networker. The church family at FBW is blessed to have him as a spiritual leader. He finds it a joy to serve Christ in this capacity and recognizes the challenge of ministering to a wide variety of people with varied needs. He enjoys being taught and finds FBW to be an excellent place to learn and grow spiritually.

Success can be seen in a church by the degree to which she “sticks to the Scriptures.” The church at FBW also enjoys success because Jay—and the other Deacons presently serving—are her spiritual leaders!